Monday, 11 January 2010

Thriller film analysis

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There is a tracking shot to the 1st character then shot reverse shot with the 2nd character. The audience feel that the 1st character is a victim when pointed a gun at however the audiences opinion is switched when the 2nd character cleverly sabatages the 1st. The switch of point of view for the audience represents the shock element within a thriller genre and how things don't always go the way the audience think it does.

The sound is a gentle drum beat in the background which leads up to the man on the floor gasping for breath catching the 2nd characters attention. The sound leads up to the moment the mask is revealed o be the joker and the starting of the bus engine where its silent for a couple of seconds to emphasis the clang of the gas bomb. The sound keeps the audience intreagued and sensing something is about to happen. This is a classic in the thriller genre yo build the tension using sound and keep the audience engaged.

The close up of the Joker putting something oer the guys mouth leading to a shot reverse shot of the mask revealing the Joker, then back to the man in shock from seeing the joker and realising he is going to die. The close up engages the audience by making them feel apart of the action and fascinated by the 2nd character as his back is facing the audience. The back to the audience creates mystery and then the shot reverse shot smoothly links in for the audience o see the mask being revealed as the joker. This grabs the audience's attention by being surprised to see the charcter and as said above feeling apart of the action. Within the thriller genre they usually try to make the audience feel apart of the action so they are engaged and alert for whats going to happen next.

Using Masks as props brings a sense of mystery to the characters and engages the audience when time leads up to the mask being revealed, it brings a surprise element to the audience. Within the thriller genre props are usually used as a good way to grad the audiences attention as it brings a sense of mystery and fear as the characters are concealed and the audience can't see their face. Usually the audience like to see the enemy so they know what they are facing so having a mask brings in the feeling of the unknown which can be seen as threatening to the audience.

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