Sub genre-
Psychological thriller. Because the idea is to guess the murderer's riddle that will be continuously played throughout the 2 minute introduction. We chose this because it links with the riddles, which is sort of like mind games, making it a psychological thriller.
Eloise's house. All white bathroom therefore the effects would look good when we put makeup and blood over the walls and the body. Also, we will be using her garage to produce a scary look suitable for a thriller.
- tape recorder constantly on play of the murder and the riddle.
- tracking shot towards door playing screams and cries.
- cantered angle and close up of the body in the white bathroom with blood.
- sudden change to the detective in the garage with the book.
- flashes of the dead body pictures will then be shown.
A girl is dead on the bathroom floor, we see the girl, and the detective walks in and See's the body, but we don't see the detective. It cuts to a scene of the detective in a dark room, looking through the killers scrapbook, we see a picture of the dead body which flashes into a full screen flash of the photo, the detective is flicking through the book where we see lots of close ups photos and riddles.
Black background with a white creepy font, then if we can flashes at the sound of a lightning background noise. Roughly every 15 seconds they should appear.
Actors and Characters:
- Camera control - Fiona and Abby
- Dead girl - Eloise
- Detective - Henry Jones
- Backup Detective - Abby
Costume's and Makeup:
- Dead Girl will be wearing a light coloured t-shirt that's been ripped up with natural makeup mixed with purples and reds to show bruising and blood.
- The detective will be wearing either a suit or formal clothing to show the status of his personality. The makeup will be natural and fine.
Brad Pitt's Se7en and Identity inspired our idea to use a body, tape recorder, detective and scrap book.
Music and Shots
Music - Garage band. Dark drones that builds tension to the audience, played very quietly in the background so the audience hardly hears it, and non diagetic sounds, for example, the doors opening, pages turning e.c.t
Sounds - Tape recorder plays riddle throughout the scenes, this links with the title "The Legend of the Sphinx"= The legend of the Sphinx is that the creature devours those who can't answer the riddle. Therefore we will use this idea for our murderer who asks the victim a riddle and the victim dies if it is UN-answered.
Shots - The main shots involved in our two minute sequence are a tracking shot. close up, long shot and cantered angle. We agreed that we all thought these would be good when trying to build tension to draw in an audience.
Riddle for the recorder:
- Riddle: "Which creature in the morning goes on four legs, on midday on two, and in the evening upon three, and the more legs it has, the weaker it be?"
- Answer: "Man-who crawls on all fours as a baby, then walks on two feet as an adult, and then walks with a cane in old age."
Riddle for the book:
- Riddle: "There are two sisters: one gives birth to the other and she, in turn gives birth to the first."
- Answer: "Day and Night" (because both words are feminine in Greek."
15: because the certificate guild lines suggest that in a 12 no harm or injuries, death or violence can be shown therefore because of the dead body and the photos of the victim we are labelling "The Legend of the Sphinx" as a 15.
- from searching on google, we found that the "Sphinx" was also named the "Strangler" in ancient Greece, therefore we thought that it would be a good idea to show the victim having been murdered by being strangled.
- MDF Board created to look vaguely violent.
- Scrap Book
Black background with a white creepy font, then if we can flashes at the sound of a lightning background noise. Roughly every 15 seconds they should appear.
Actors and Characters:
- Camera control - Fiona and Abby
- Dead girl - Eloise
- Detective - Henry Jones
- Backup Detective - Abby
Costume's and Makeup:
- Dead Girl will be wearing a light coloured t-shirt that's been ripped up with natural makeup mixed with purples and reds to show bruising and blood.
- The detective will be wearing either a suit or formal clothing to show the status of his personality. The makeup will be natural and fine.
Brad Pitt's Se7en and Identity inspired our idea to use a body, tape recorder, detective and scrap book.
Music and Shots
Music - Garage band. Dark drones that builds tension to the audience, played very quietly in the background so the audience hardly hears it, and non diagetic sounds, for example, the doors opening, pages turning e.c.t
Sounds - Tape recorder plays riddle throughout the scenes, this links with the title "The Legend of the Sphinx"= The legend of the Sphinx is that the creature devours those who can't answer the riddle. Therefore we will use this idea for our murderer who asks the victim a riddle and the victim dies if it is UN-answered.
Shots - The main shots involved in our two minute sequence are a tracking shot. close up, long shot and cantered angle. We agreed that we all thought these would be good when trying to build tension to draw in an audience.
Riddle for the recorder:
- Riddle: "Which creature in the morning goes on four legs, on midday on two, and in the evening upon three, and the more legs it has, the weaker it be?"
- Answer: "Man-who crawls on all fours as a baby, then walks on two feet as an adult, and then walks with a cane in old age."
Riddle for the book:
- Riddle: "There are two sisters: one gives birth to the other and she, in turn gives birth to the first."
- Answer: "Day and Night" (because both words are feminine in Greek."
15: because the certificate guild lines suggest that in a 12 no harm or injuries, death or violence can be shown therefore because of the dead body and the photos of the victim we are labelling "The Legend of the Sphinx" as a 15.
- from searching on google, we found that the "Sphinx" was also named the "Strangler" in ancient Greece, therefore we thought that it would be a good idea to show the victim having been murdered by being strangled.
- MDF Board created to look vaguely violent.
- Scrap Book
- Fake blood
- Makeup
- Tape Recorder
- Clothes (see costumes and makeup)
Feedback of our idea:
The questions we got asked when we described our idea to our fellow class mates were:
- how long do you think it'll take to film?
- why is it a psychological thriller?
The answers we gave to these questions were:
- Considering we are only using one location to film our thriller, we believe it will only take us one afternoon/evening. As we can only take the camera for two days and because we're hopefully going to be filming on a weekday, we feel that we only have one day.
- The reason why its a psychological thriller, is because we believe that the riddles introduce the audience to mind games. Asking them to suggest who they believe the murderer is and what they believe the answer to the riddle is.
Feedback of our idea:
The questions we got asked when we described our idea to our fellow class mates were:
- how long do you think it'll take to film?
- why is it a psychological thriller?
The answers we gave to these questions were:
- Considering we are only using one location to film our thriller, we believe it will only take us one afternoon/evening. As we can only take the camera for two days and because we're hopefully going to be filming on a weekday, we feel that we only have one day.
- The reason why its a psychological thriller, is because we believe that the riddles introduce the audience to mind games. Asking them to suggest who they believe the murderer is and what they believe the answer to the riddle is.
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