Tuesday 19 January 2010

Seven analysis

We are analysing the opening sequence from the film 'Seven' we are doing this because we should experience other idea's for a opening sequence to a thriller before making our own.
Immediately the audience is drawn into the suspence by the music and the flickering montage. The music is dark, deep and has the occasional cringe worthy chalkboard effect, which increases the tension right from the beginning. The title fits with the music and the action in the sequence, this is because the mise-en-scene is shown as the typical thriller genre.
The text showing the credits of the opening sequence, blends with the background which looks as though a crime is needing to be solved. Theres a good use of colour including black white and red, these are the typical colours an audience would expect when watching a thriller. Theres a use of a shadow effect which again builds tension in time for the music to build up toward the end of the sequence.

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