Friday 12 February 2010

Extras, Leading to 2 minutes

We Feel that the time when recording our opening sequence will extend when filming, but just in case we are going to create an extra set of ideas leading up to the two minutes. these ideas have been expanded from the 1 minute 10 secs mark above and onwards.

1 minute - 1 minute 10 secs - Mid shot. Detective is turning the pages of the book and sticking the recent picture of the death into it. - Music - Tape recorder (rewind) and non diegetic sound - Props: The book, photo, tape recorder, pen, desk and chair and desk objects.

1 minute 10 secs - 1 minute 20 secs -
Flash back shot / Mid - long shot. Recorder is now playing the riddle. Flash back Mid/long shot of the recent death showing the dead girl on the floor again. Just the recorder playing, no dialogue. Music - Tape recorder. Props - Recorder and backdrops.

1 minute 20 secs - 1 minute 30 secs
- Long shot. The shot is of a man taking a picture of the dead girl inside the bathroom. He's going to be dressed in all black with a hat (to create a professional look). Music - Non diegetic with the recorder still playing the riddle. Props - Camera, Bathroom backdrops.

1 minute 30 secs - 1 minute 40 secs
- long shot / mid shot (continues from the last shot, 20 - 30 secs) zoom. Long shot of the scientists taking samples from the body present. Zoom on to the scientist taking the sample. Music - non diegetic and tape recorder. Props - sample tubes, camera, people, backdrops, plastic gloves and tape recorder.

1 minute 40 secs - 1 minute 50 secs
- Flash shot / long shot. Flash shot in and out of the book that detective is looking at. Mid/Long shot of scientist putting a plastic bag over the body as proof of death and more photographs. This scene as well as 1 minute 20 - 30 secs, will be in black and white to draw attention and add effect. At the point where we get a flashback into the book will return the scene back into colour. Music - non diegetic sound and tape recorder (no dialogue). Props - Plastic bag, backdrop, plastic gloves and tape recorder.

1 minute 50 secs - 2 minutes -
reaction shot of the detective finding out the answer to one of the riddles. This then moves into a close up of the detective writing the riddle down to show the audience. Suddenly the room goes silent and the phone rings. Music - non diegetic sound and tape recorder. Props - pen, desk, book, desk objects, chair.

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